Art and Business

Hot Links | Looking Toward 2018 | CEOs in Art School | Hoping for a Chartreuse World

Knowledge consists in the search for the is not the search for certainty.
— Karl Popper

Some are new, some are not.  Nonetheless, all of the articles linked to below are currently fueling our ideas for/discussions on arts-led innovation.

We think it’s time to disrupt the coming wave of digital disruption – in meaningful, people and planet centered ways.  As Strategy + Business says: This wave of digital disruption will have far-reaching effects. Already, digital technology has shown its ability to outpace or outmaneuver efforts to control it.

YES!  Business leaders are going to art school, to develop creative skills.  We are hopeful that increased empathy will be part of the enrichment.

What will work look like in the 2030?  We’re doing everything we can, to facilitate the development of something like a chartreuse world (a mixture of green and yellow).

Co.Design hypothesizes the big design trends of the coming new year.  We really hope that Inclusivity for All takes off and transcends trend to become standard practice.

This is progress: investment funds that benefit communities in addition to shareholders.  We like to imagine a future in which there are large investment funds that benefit communities instead of shareholders.

Less of this and this, more human-centered protections from autonomous AI.

We are very interested in the discussion around the outsized influence of Big Tech and the search for the “Davids” that can bring equilibrium to the sector.

Weekly Links | August 12th

 A Few Perspectives on Why Art Matters | Human-Centered Design in the Non-Profit Sector | The Future of Art/Tech | More Internet-Driven Homogeneity

Weekly Links - April 29th, 2016

This week, we were inspired by articles that highlight the conviviality that the arts bring to the public and private sectors:

The New York Times introduced us to the ways in which art helps police officers to perceive the world from a variety of perspectives.

An Australian Op-Ed reinforced the communal links between the arts and the sciences.

Time Out London featured an artist-led UK campaign to bring the arts to the political forefront.

We were also inspired by boutique fashion business Emerson Fry.  Its founders bravely announced a business model transformation designed to bring balance to their professional and personal lives, while keeping the brand's promises to their customers.

Photo by PongsakornJun/iStock / Getty Images