The National Endowment for the Arts’ Art Works blog quoted a number of cultural influencers, for its summer 2016 “Why the Arts Matter” post. These experts underscore the arts’ inherent ability to connect people in ways that heal, express and propel forward movement. Important factors in our turbulent times.
In Grand Rapids, Michigan, a few non-profits are successfully employing human-centered design to combat homelessness and hunger – in ways that are directly influenced by, and carefully consider, the realities of the people they serve.
Mercedes-Benz’ “She’s Mercedes” campaign features an interview with NEW INC Director Julia Kaganskiy, focused on the future of art, technology and their confluence. Vroom! Vroom!
Is the diminishing importance of the arts in the American academic curriculum impeding the U.S.’ competitive edge? This feature in the Boulder City Review argues that the decline of the arts is responsible for the decline of American prestige, and highlights the importance of the arts to influential innovation.
We love this post from the Bangs and a Gun blog, and are convinced that were a cosmetics company to trade in women’s “fineness” over restricted notions of “prettiness”…it would rule the industry.
We’re hopeful that this piece from The Verge, on the homogenization of urban interior design, sparks a creative revolution (and sounds the death knell for generic “Brooklyn Chic” in particular). This is something that we've highlighted before on the blog, and are encouraged by the continuing discussion. Thanks to @FlungMag for the link.
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