
The Truth About Datastan

We are in a state in which data reigns supreme. In “Datastan” (to use a term coined by the brilliant Arlene Goldbard) data is king and queen, though the kingdom is propped up by falsehoods.   This misinformation prevents the widespread development of generative, empathetic commerce, inhibits culture and strains community cohesion. 

So, what’s the antidote?  Many of us believe it’s the arts.

The inclusion of artistic perspectives in public and private sector discourse could help us to solve our most pressing issues, on both individual and societal levels, and create the future our children and grandchildren deserve.  But first, we need to drop the following delusions about Datastan:

Data is Objective / Reveals the Truth

Human intervention, even if passive, is required to make sense of data.  Therefore ambiguity is diffused throughout the processes of data quantification, because it is shaped by each interpreter’s experiences.  The “data as objectivity as truth” perspective is rife with flaws, but it illustrates that there is validity in subjectivity.  Acknowledgement of imperfection leads the way toward authenticity, and it is the inclusion of the artist’s intuitive perspective that wholly illuminates human truths.

Numbers Provide the Purest Evidence

Numbers are a form of evidence, but not the only form.  Evidence in its most potent form cannot be quantified.  It’s the provenance of memory, sensation, emotion.  It’s the provenance of the artist. The storyteller has just as much skill, if not more, than the scientist when it comes to deciphering human realities and laying them at our feet for inspection.

Data is Hard (and Therefore Reliable). The Arts are Soft (and Therefore Unreliable).

The idea that because something is "hard", that because it is scientific or technical it epitomizes truth is short-sighted and incorrect.  That which is hard may be strong, but it also acts as a barrier, may be brittle, and is inflexible, rigid and stiff.  That which is soft can also be very strong, and is permeable, adaptable, enjoyable and pliable.  There is truth in ambiguity.  Artists' work veraciously acknowledges the universal ambiguity of our individual human experiences. So you see, when important decisions are being made, there are considerable advantages to going soft. 

The reality is that everything humans touch is open to human interpretation.  It only makes sense that human information, or information that affects humans and the world we inhabit, should be viewed through human-focused lenses.  It is the artistic perspective that courageously retains clarity of vision, it’s the artist who hones intuitiveness, it’s the artist who is able to jump levels to see many truths at once, it’s the artist’s perspective that adds significance to fact.



Six Things We're Thankful For in 2015

As the Thanksgiving holiday approaches in the U.S., we celebrate the many people we are thankful for: our friends and family members, our advisers and clients, and everyone who has joined us on our journey. 

There are also a lot of things we’re grateful for this year, and we’d like to share our top six with you:

  1. We’re thankful for the New York City MTA’s Poetry in Motion, for providing inspiration during our daily commutes.
  2. We’re thankful for the Louisiana Museum of Modern Art’s Louisiana Channel. It provides us with introductions to new perspectives from our favorite artists, and introduces us to artists we would’ve been unfamiliar with otherwise.
  3. We’re thankful for Sarah Stodola’s “Process: The Writing Lives of Great Authors”, for drawing attention to the routines, rituals and practices that resulted in the creation of cherished literary works (and for reminding the world that the muse is one hardworking mother!).
  4. We’re thankful for Elsie’s Parlor, for providing us with delicious, caffeinated fuel for early morning brainstorms.
  5. We’re thankful for Bevy Smith’s Instagram page, for its continual reminders that a "gratitude attitude" will get you everywhere.
  6. We’re thankful for Americans for the Arts’ Art and Business Council, for facilitating creative partnerships that unite culture, commerce and communities.

What are the things you're thankful for? Please share your thoughts in the comments section.

Photo by Comstock/Stockbyte / Getty Images

Ancient Traditions, Contemporary Technology

Although many artists and culture bearers lament the advent of digital technologies, their ascendance trumpets a return to ancient storytelling traditions that were disrupted by the printing press.  Online stories are subject to interpretation and are transformed through personalization and participation.  The story is enlivened.

If stories are our original means of communicating complex ideas, entertaining ourselves and connecting with one another, armed with access to the internet, the artist/culture bearer has the power to change the world.  The mutability of the digital story lends itself to egalitarianism, because it’s owned by all and its meanings are myriad.

“Storytelling” is now a buzzword in marketing, public relations and advertising, but to be truly effective it has to do much more than just sell something.  If it’s not artful, it won’t resonate authentically.  Modern storytelling is a collision of new media and ancient tradition that is most effectively commanded by the artist, who is skilled at challenging us to look at the world in new ways.  The artists helps us to helps us reach others by examining ourselves. 

Photo by WÆRK