
Hot Links | STEM Overhyped? | Critical Thinking in Crisis | Scientific Subjectivity | Sensory Lexicon Gaps

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The Sydney Morning Herald asks: “Are STEM Skills Overhyped?” , while Strategy+Business posits that the lack of executive empathy is due to a dearth of so-called “soft” skills – like critical thinking.

This piece on Medium’s UX Planet highlights the importance of humanities perspectives in design.

This caught our eye: NPR explores the limits of Western languages, when describing scent.

In AEON, Margaret Wertheim’s piece on dimension showcases subjectivity in the sciences (we’ve been saying all along that subjectivity is not the exclusive provenance of the arts)!

Weekly Links - April 8th, 2016


As we move deeper into April, change is upon us.  The articles that caught our attention this week refer to fundamental shifts in perspective that are essential to securing a sustainable future. Our favourite pieces serve as reminders that algorithms alone are not the answer.

The Chronicle of Higher Education articulates that theatre studies explore and express human actions repressed by technology, and are valuable in the digital age.

The Australian posits that it isn’t STEM but STEAM that will help us to realize our true potential.  That incorporating art/design processes into technical innovation is the best way forward.

Down with clickbait!  Jesse Weaver set Medium alight this week, with a rallying cry for the production of quality content and the empowerment of creative professionals.

We’re grateful for BBC Culture’s introduction to “digital detox zone” Libreria, a retailer that seeks to restore the sense of wonder, conviviality and conversation that are the provenance of the bookstore.