“It seems prudent to keep an eye on the evolution of superintelligence.”
The internet may now be classified as a public utility, but too many people lack access and too many children are falling into the chasm created by the digital divide. This NYT piece explores attempts to bring WiFi to digital deserts.
William D. Nordhaus review of Robert J. Gordon’s The Rise and Fall of American Growth: The US Standard of Living Since the Civil War, stoically explores its implications for our economic future. It also reminds us that it will be “prudent to keep an eye on the evolution of superintelligence” and advises us to be wary of the growth trap. We’ll definitely add Gordon’s book to our autumn reading list.
P2P, opening on August 20th at the Knockdown Center in Queens, explores double-dutch as both performance art and as sharing technology. It is part of a larger installation, MAMI, “which examines femininity and otherness in women of African and Caribbean descent”.
To celebrate September’s Baltimore Innovation Week, Technical.ly is seeking proposals for creative works that straddle the intersection of art and technology. Two or three selected artists will receive microgrants, to produce their work.