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Some are new, some are not. Nonetheless, all of the articles linked to below are currently fueling our ideas for/discussions on arts-led innovation.
More proof that qualities inherent to arts practice and education are crucial components of transformative innovation.
Climate change has come and it is STEAM that may save us. The idea of “spongier” cities brilliantly exposes the potential for human-made solutions to human-made problems.
In revealing the tricks of the Ad Tech trade, this “whistleblower” shines a spotlight on the necessity of prioritizing the consistent human management of emerging technologies.
The Census Bureau is seeking innovative collaborators, to help them to gather and interpret data. What an incredible opportunity, for human-centered technologies!
We’re at it again! Here’s another great read, this time by Yarden Katz in SSRN, on the dangers of unchecked Artificial Intelligence.