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Some are new, some are not. Nonetheless, all of the articles linked to below are currently fueling our ideas for/discussions on arts-led innovation.
n JSTOR Daily, Charlotte Lieberman exposes the fallacy of authenticity and the vacuity of branding. We are well aware that the answers are not within Apps, but rather the arts.
According to Fast Company’s Co.Design, we are entering the age of “Centaur Design” in which the needs of humans and the machines we operate are given equal weight in the design and development processes. This has been keeping us up at night.
Our attention was drawn once again to the surge in so-called Smart City development (this time led by Microsoft). Barry’s Blog asks a crucial question: how “smart" can these proposed cities be, without the inclusion of perspectives from arts and culture sectors? Answer: they can’t.
Communications of the ACM explores the ethical responsibilities of data scientists in a world that has granted them significant, largely unchecked, power, and neglected to place parameters around the expansion of artificial intelligence. alerts us to next level digital (and real life) privacy concerns, with the recent introduction of Amazon Key.