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Some are new, some are not. Nonetheless, all of the articles linked to below are currently fueling our ideas for/discussions on arts-led innovation.
Detroit's Bleeding Heart Design, led by architect Rebecca Willis, explores how enhancements to a neighborhood's built environment can engage citizens and bond communities, without the destructive elements of gentrification.
San Diego State University professor John M. Eger on the necessity to elevate the arts in business, to protect humanity from the destruction that widespread artificial Intelligence will likely bring.
This exploration of "post-Facebook" digital marketing strategies offers a host of jargon-y suggestions, but piqued our interest because of what wasn't said. We wonder: could the future of online promotions lay in offline human connections?.
The Guardian reports on Facebook co-founder Sean Parker's exposure of the dangers of the "social-validation feedback loop", and reveals the anti-human nature of much popular social media.